“12th Fail,” the 2023 biographical drama film directed by the acclaimed Vidhu Vinod Chopra, tells the inspiring story of Manoj Kumar Sharma, an Indian Police Service (IPS) officer who defied limitations to achieve his dream. Based on the book of the same name by Anurag Pathak, the film chronicles Sharma’s journey from a young man who failed his 12th-grade exams to become a symbol of perseverance and societal change.
A Story Rooted in Reality
The film delves into the harsh realities faced by many young people in India, particularly those from underprivileged backgrounds. Sharma, played by the talented Vikrant Massey, hails from the Chambal region, notorious for its poverty and social struggles. Despite his academic struggles, Sharma harbors a burning desire to become an IPS officer and contribute positively to society.
The plot
Born in the dacoit-infested Chambal, Manoj Kumar Sharma faces academic challenges due to cheating in Class 12 exams and his father’s suspension. After his brother is framed for smuggling, Manoj, inspired by DSP Dushyant Singh, decides to pursue an honest path. He faces educational setbacks, loses belongings, and overcomes obstacles, eventually aspiring to become an IPS officer. Through hard work, love, and perseverance, Manoj clears exams, marries Shraddha, and fulfills his dream while influencing others like Pritam to follow their true aspirations.
Undeterred by Setbacks
“12th Fail” doesn’t shy away from portraying the challenges Sharma faces. He encounters societal pressure, financial constraints, and self-doubt as he embarks on his unconventional path. The film beautifully captures his unwavering determination and the unwavering support he receives from his wife, Shraddha Joshi (played by Medha Shankar), who becomes a pillar of strength throughout his journey.
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A Celebration of the Human Spirit
“12th Fail” is not merely a biographical account; it’s a universal story of human triumph. The film resonates with audiences by celebrating the power of the human spirit, the importance of self-belief, and the ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
Critical Acclaim and Commercial Success
After being released in October 2023, the picture was well-received by critics. Critics praised the powerful storytelling, Massey’s compelling performance, and Chopra’s masterful direction. “12th Fail” also emerged as a sleeper hit, exceeding box office expectations and grossing over ₹69 crore (US$8.6 million) worldwide.
“12th Fail” showcases the strength of dreams and the resilient spirit of those challenging norms. The film follows Sharma’s inspiring journey, serving as a beacon of hope that encourages audiences to pursue their aspirations and strive for success.